manage 70-90% of event emissions

Our sister #climatetech solution, Purpose Net Zero, was created to solve for the largest contingent of event related emissions: Attendee Travel.

Purpose Net Zero easily integrates with event registration software to measure + manage attendee travel footprints for events. Featuring our proprietary EPA + EU database based calculator, we use specific attendee data points during the registration process to calculate highly exacting emissions footprints.

The SEC Climate Disclosure Rule, which will take effect as soon as 2023 and as late as 2024, will require all publicly traded companies report on their scope 3 emissions, which include event related emissions and event attendee related travel.

The technology will provide event hosts a dynamic and personalized Host Dashboard to monitor, measure and manage their event travel related emissions - as well as data to thoughtfully plan future future event locales to champion lower emissions in the future - not to mention the potential to select locations which appeal to their most important clientele.

With our Dashboard, Event Hosts will understand how many event attendees have registered for their events, by percentage, understand attendees’ footprints and modes of transportation most utilized, making way for important understanding around the current event and helpful data for future planning. (You can read more on our blog on the importance of event location to your emissions footprint here.)

Once emissions are measured and understood, we work with 501c3 Climate Vault, via a strategic partnership to fund forthcoming CDR (carbon dioxide removal) projects and fossil fuel permit vaulting, two unique processes which will pay for the removal of metric tons of carbon and prevent harmful fossil fuel carbon emissions, respectively.

A live demo for the technology will be available as soon as late September and at the latest, mid-October.

Make a big impact in your brand’s scope 3 event emissions management by learning more about our process and offerings at


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